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创业 2024年06月28日 08:00 10 admin




1. 贩卖商品:从农副产品到奢侈品,商人通过买卖获取利润。

2. 贸易活动:通过各地之间的商品交换,实现财富的积累。

3. 制造业:手工业者通过 *** 各类工艺品,实现财富的增长。

4. 借贷与放贷:通过收取利息,赚取财富。

5. 土地买卖:拥有土地的农民或地主,通过出租土地获取收益。

6. 交通运输:水路、陆路贸易的商人,通过运费和货差获利。


1. 勤奋努力:古代商人以勤劳著称,通过不懈的努力获取财富。

2. 诚信经营:商业信誉是古代商人的重要财富,诚信经营是获取客户信任的关键。

3. 精打细算:商人善于分析市场,通过精打细算,制定合理的商业策略。

4. 抓住机遇:善于发现商机,果断决策,是古代商人成功的关键。

5. 创新思维:在古代商业环境中,创新思维是推动商业发展的重要动力。


1. 眼光独到:富豪往往具有敏锐的市场洞察力,能够预见商业趋势。

2. 长期投资:富豪通常注重长期投资,而非短期获利。

3. 家族传承:富豪家族注重财富的传承,通过家族企业的经营和管理,实现财富的延续。

4. 社会责任感:古代富豪往往具有强烈的社会责任感,热心公益事业,为社会发展做出贡献。





六、参考文献:请以“My First Day at School”为题写一篇英语作文,描述你在之一天上学时的感受和经历。

My First Day at School

Today is my first day at school, and I am very excited and nervous at the same time. I have been looking forward to this day for months, because I want to meet new friends and learn new things. I am a bit nervous because I have never been to school before, and I am not sure what to expect.

When I arrived at school, I was surprised to see how big it was and how many people were there. I was a bit overwhelmed at first, but I quickly found my way to my classroom and met my new teacher and clas *** ates. The teacher was friendly and welcoming, and she explained the rules of the classroom and the school to us. We also had a short introduction about our new teacher and the subjects we would be learning in class.

After the introduction, we started our first class. It was Math, which I had never taken before, but it was not as difficult as I thought. The teacher was patient and explained everything well, and I managed to understand the concepts easily. After class, we all gathered in the cafeteria for lunch, which was delicious and helped us get to know each other better.

On my way home, I felt happy and proud of myself for being so brave and facing a new challenge. Although I had some nervous moments, I managed to overcome them and have a great day at school. I am looking forward to my next day at school and learning new things with my new friends and teacher.

标签: 古代做什么赚钱


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